
The conference maintains several public and private forms of communication within the community.

ECCC Discord

Link to join the ECCC Discord server:

Please select your school on the Roleypoly form to gain access to the Discord:

Please reach out to Flyyn if you have any questions about Discord.


The primary ECCC mailing list is eccc-announce, on which all ECCC teams should have at least one active representative, if not more, and to which every rider, coach, alumnus, friend, and anybody with any interest in the ECCC is welcome to join.

This list is primarily used for disseminating updates and announcements to all ECCC teams and members. It is also used for important group topics such as agenda bashing and rule change discussions leading up to the annual fall meeting, and questions about upcoming events. List membership and archives are open to all. Traffic is moderated and of low volume. All teams are strongly encouraged to have multiple representatives actively monitoring the list so that they may stay informed at all times!

Subscription and delivery options as well as archives are all accessible via the Google group webpage at:

Note that it is possible to subscribe to the mailing list without a Google account. To do so, simply send an email to this address:

To unsubscribe, use the web page or simply email:

Archives are also readable from the webpage without an account or subscription.

List Policy: The eccc-announce listserv is intended to be primarily a low volume, announcements oriented listserv, with occasional group discussion on topics of general interest. Particular message types not accepted include personal For Sale ads, non-cycling related announcements, and obscene or offensive messages. Announcements of non-collegiate cycling events of general conference-wide interest are permitted, as are offers for collegiate equipment discounts, coaching programs, and similar services.